Juyong Kim
South Korea
Juyong is a Korean Sommelier and Restaurateur, based in Seoul. For over 2 decades now, Juyong’s passion has been hospitality. Beginning as a server, Juyong soon fell in love with the wine & spirits side of the trade, moving on to work first as “a bartender and now as a sommelier”. Part of Juyong’s love of sommellerie is that, “while serving customers in the restaurant, [he] never stopped developing [himself]”. It allows him to continue learning and pushing his skills and knowledge further, as everyday his role combines “theory, tasting and service” which are with him “every moment”. This has stood him in good stead as he has pursued not only wine education, but simultaneously competing in sommelier competitions. After 10 years of intense training and competing, in 2021 Juyong was awarded the prestigious title of Best Sommelier in Korea by the Korean International Sommelier Association, and in 2022 he further went on to win the Concours National du Meilleur Sommelier de Corée en Vins de France, organised by Sopexa. While naturally thrilled with his victories, Juyong has no intention of resting on his laurels. He is preparing himself to undertake the Advanced Sommelier certification, with the view to proceed onwards to the Master Sommelier; the peak of sommelier education globally. He is under no illusions that it will be a “very demanding challenge”, Juyong is excited nevertheless, and looks forward to using the international influence which gaining the MS will bring him to promote Korean fine dining globally.